Monday, September 5, 2011

ass draggin'

So I set up the author permissions on the comic fury site so you guys can post comic pages as well, seeing as how I'm extremely perfect when it comes to punctuality. So we all have full control. As far as new comics, I think we should cut the Public Releases to 1 - 2 per week. I have a ton on my plate down here. It turns out I'm not only designing an entire scify movie, I'm also helping them set up there props/set dec storage and workshop areas. I'm doing like five jobs at once. They still work 9-5's so if it would be nice to be able to get my head out of that world and into the CV world in the evenings.

Also, my scanner finally died. It lasted 10 freaking years.

Once I'm back in CoMo to get my stuff, I'm going to upload my 24 hour comic on comic fury, and I'm not going to link to it. You'll have to find it. I'm only doing this for you Ryan.

So what is everyone's thoughts? 1 or 2 posts a week, but keep with our normal 2 day schedule? Should we extend that as well? I say no. But we should set a date to start it back up.

Last thing, I put up the last three pages of chapter 1. Check it!